- Safari Gujarati Magazine Pdf Download 2018 Download
- Safari Gujarati Magazine Pdf Download 2018 Pdf
- Safari Gujarati Magazine Pdf Download 2018 Full
- Safari Gujarati Magazine Pdf Download 2018 Free
No one can deny the fact that “knowledge is the power”. However, there is a difference between information and knowledge. In simple words, we can say that information needs to be evaluated and after being proven correct and passing the quality test, can be considered as knowledge. The potential sources of knowledge include books (including encyclopedias), newspapers, magazines, TV Shows and more.
Reader’s Digest and Safari – a knowledge magazine in Gujarati from India; are two of our favorite magazines. We love reading them and share our unbiased views and reviews with our readers. Here is what we think about February 2018 issue of Safari.
Safari Magazine (Gujarati Edition) – February 2018 Issue – Cover Page
The cover page of this issue gives an impression of being it a nature-oriented magazine. It has a large amount of green color used to add to the effect. Overall, a cover page which could have been more impressive.
Download safari gujarati magazine 280.pdf. Today I am providing you download link of safari gujarati magazine, a magazine for techie people or say specially for Gujarat people. Here is the download link of Safari Gujarati Magazine of year 2011and some older issues, issue no. 204 to 211 and 145 to 172(oops, currently I dont have a softcopy of. Posts about SAFARI MAGAZINE IN GUJARATI FREE DOWNLOAD written by indiabooks. 2018 as a result of a DMCA takedown notice from Harshal Publications. Free Safari Gujarati Magazine October-2011 Issue no-209 Download Description: Main Topic of Safari English Magazine (October-2011) Issue no.209. Exactly one hundred years ago, when India'.
Those who read ThinkerViews regularly will surely be able to recall us saying “the editorial is one of the most important segments of a magazine (or for that matter any media”. We believe that it provides a chance to the editor to bridge a connection with the readers via it. Here, the editor can not only share his vision for the specific issue but also can represent his views about current happenings around the world. The editorial of this issue talks about the monument located in Mumbai, paying tribute to the brave firefighters who lost their lives in their effort to prevent an explosion of Fort Stikine (the ship which was anchored in Mumbai ShipYard that time) and save the city. To know more about the incident you can read this article. Mumbai fire brigade insists the citizens of Mumbai (who cannot attend the tribute paid on 14th April, every year, to these Bravehearts) to do the following:
Let us all Indians pay
homage to all those brave
firefighters by observing
02 minutes silence.
Thank You

We would like to add our voice to the appeal (as done by the editor of Safari) and request all fellow human beings to please observe it.
When we talk about Tapi river and Surat, we think of the geography of Gujarat. But do you know that there is a place in Thailand which is named as Surat Thani and a river named Tapi? And it is not a coincidence! The roots of the fact lies in India, proving it really incredible.
A small but well-researched article, worth a read.
Actually, this is the second segment of article found about this deadly event happened in Mumbai. The first segment was published in the January 2018 issue and we’ve presented our views for the same.
To know even more about this unfortunate event you may like to visit the following link:
scroll.in article
This second segment explores the incidents which lead the blast, the actual blast, and the effects of the same felt in the area nearby. You can estimate the power of explosion just by knowing that laboratory hundreds of kilometer away considered it as an earthquake!
Nagendra Vijay did remarkable research to get the missing pieces of this unfortunate incident and written it so nicely that you will remain glued to the article.
We all know the fact the plastic is a boon as well as a bane. The positive attributes of this material acts as its negative ones as well. The main problem is, it is not degradable. It took so many years for it to be dissolved. The scientists are worrying more about its growing effects on the environment and now it is the time to seriously look for an alternative and implement it at the earliest in order to save the planet.

One promising solution is bioplastic. Though it will still be very early to consider it as an alternative, as it is in the early stage of research. But, it is definitely promising. A detailed article about bioplastic in this magazine brings you all the needed information on the same.
Safari Gujarati Magazine Pdf Download 2018 Download
External links:
Bioplastic related article at WikiPedia
Biodegradable plastic article at WikiPedia

These days, we see a huge rise in the cases where the patient is required to do a knee replacement. Well, we are not talking about the adverse effects of the wrong lifestyle and environment we are living with (or in) these days. I often used to say it to all my friends and relatives that when such things happen and we spend a lot of money and pass through a lot of pain, we understand the real value of what we’ve been blessed with, freely.
A detailed article telling almost everything a common man needs to know about Knee replacement, and under which circumstances one should go for that operation is definitely worth a read. If you are aged or not, this information will be helpful to you when/if any of your elder relative face any dilemma about it. Of course, it is not a medical advise and nor should be considered as such. But, as said earlier, it gives you a better idea of what it is and when to go for it.
If you love nature and have interest in knowing about various animals and their way of living; an article about how various species communicate within themselves provides an interesting read.
I also found the Q/A (Fact Finder) section very interesting. The questions here are taken from the real life (as asked by real readers talking about real things) reading it will definitely prove helpful.
Definitely a worth reading issue which gives you the maximum return for the money and time you spend on it. A recommended read. The only limitation is, it is published in a regional language, thus making its reach limited.
Do let us know your views about this article via comments below, we like to read you. And yes, do not forget to share this article with your friends who you think are interested in quality reading. Also subscribe to our newsletter, to get notified periodically about the articles we publish.
Related reading for you:
We often talk about the dying habit of reading and at the same time we see the market is flooding with tons of reading material including but not limited to books, magazines, and some other stuff. But, more often than not, most of them don’t serve a purpose apart from entertaining one for a limited time. And, of course, there is nothing wrong in that. In fact, in the majority of directory sites, books and magazine reviews are classified into the entertainment category.
However, if we look at the evolution of species, we find that we, human beings became superior to the others due to our ability to think logically and implement it. And, thus, the knowledge is the greatest and most important treasure we have.
Considering that, there are only a few magazines which fall in knowledge spreading category. Safari is a Gujarati magazine from India which serves the purpose since years. It is a monthly magazine and today we are going to talk about its 295th issue. The magazine has a long “off time” in between also. It is sad that such magazines don’t have the readership they deserve. In fact, the English edition of the same is not survived!
Anyway, let us talk about December 2018 issue of the same today.
Let us take a look at the cover page of the issue.
Safari Magazine | Gujarati Edition | December 2018 Issue | Cover Page
The cover page of this issue is quite different and interesting. A Japanese warrior in full war gear striking his sword is a fantastic illustration. It shows the beauty of the islands along with, to represent the theme of the central article. It also feels good to see the photograph of Major Kuldeep Singh Chandpuri (who later became a Brigadier in Indian Army), the hero of the battle of Longewala who left the world behind. There are a few more thumbnails which represent different articles from the issue.
Usually, I start a magazine review by sharing my thoughts about the editorial, but let us make an exception this time. Remembering Brigadier Chandpuri who left this world at the age of 77 on 17th November 2018; is an emotional moment. His bravery was recognised with “Maha Vir Chakra” and he will be remembered for a long. Here is an interview with him where he talks about the battle of Longewala and how much of whatever is shown in the movie Border was true to the reality; from the public domain of YouTube.
Here is one more rare interview with him:
Here is the official promo of Border – a movie based on the battle of Longewala.
Here are some more memories to cherish.
Of course, the movie had taken its own liberties. It is good to read a factual account of the battle of Longewala in this issue of Safari. It is definitely a unique and most needed tribute. Frankly speaking, I’ve expected more details in the article. But, it is definitely a good read.
I highly recommend this issue. If only this article is there in the issue then also it is worth your money and more importantly the time you spend to read it.
It talks about the rate at which tigers were brutally killed by hunters. A thought-provoking read which will make you believe that humans are the deadliest beast when armed with weapons and other resources. Rather than talking more about it, I will suggest you to read it.
Do you know that AMUL is not only the “taste of India” (as it is their slogan) but they have also passed a “Test of India”! Well, for a long, it was accepted around the world that Milk Powder can be created from just Cow Milk. And, it is impossible to make it from a buffalo’s milk! Strange, but true. And there are reasons for the same.
But a man named H. M. Dalaya took the challenge and found an “out of the box” solution for this problem and made a mark.
This is something you must know about. A small yet interesting article.
Pearl Harbor is a nice movie. When the people talk about the atom-bombs America dropped over Japan, they got emotional. And, they rightly condemn this act. Which is right of course. But, do you know that during the world war, the Japanese army also left no stone unturned in overtaking the brutality of the British!
History is always a two-edged blade, if you want to take a look at it neutrally.
There is a detailed article about the massacre (if we can use this phrase) in Andaman. Rather than talking much about it, I will recommend you to read the same. It also refers Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in the detailed article. And yes, the illustrations, maps and historical images makes the article rich with the information and will make you aware of the unknown or lesser-known facts.
Attaching a video from the public domain for the quick reference:
We all unanimously believe that Wikipedia is considered as one of the most reliable sources of information on almost any topic. The concept of this online encyclopedia which is meant to provide the knowledge to everyone for free is unique and interesting.
We human beings have a tendency to find two sides of any coin :).
If a knife can help in cutting an apple for a patient, it can also be used to harm one as well.
Same is happening everywhere, and WikiPedia is not an exception. In fact, it is us, the people who create, update, pollute, destroy such a good source of information.
Yes, there are some wrong information is available on Wikipedia. And, some of the people edit the stuff there with their own intentions. Some of such articles even fall in “quality articles” at Wikipedia. Often referred to as “WikiPedia Hoaxes”, such articles are meant to provide wrong information and a majority of readers, based on the reputation of Wikipedia, tends to believe it.
Safari Gujarati Magazine Pdf Download 2018 Pdf
Bicholim conflict is one such example. The article talks at a length about a war in India which actually was never fought!
Here are some quick links to know about it:
There is a detailed informative article talking about the reliability of Wikipedia in this issue of Safari Magazine. And, I will highly recommend all the readers to go for it. Wikipedia or any other source of information should be used with a caution and some logical and rational questions must have been asked. And, to confirm the reliability of any information, one should check it with more than one sources of information.
Pencil, a thing we use in our day to day life so obviously that we don’t consider to think about history or science behind the same. Do you know that almost 450 years has been passed since it is invented?
There is an interesting science behind the making of (and using) pencils. Mr. D. N. Kaushik comes up with an interesting article which talks from how it was invented, how and why it is named as “Pencil” and many other aspects. Definitely, an article infused with facts in an interesting manner. Recommended read.
Safari Gujarati Magazine Pdf Download 2018 Full
The last cover page of the magazine brings in a detailed, in-depth article about “Neutrinos” as an attempt to answer a question by some readers. Those who are interested in Science, especially astrophysics, will find the article interesting. If this is not your area of interest, then also, the article will bring in some nice information. It is written in such a nice manner that you will not find it too technical but informative.
In addition, there are some regular sections like FactFinder, Q/A, MindGames and others which makes it even more worthy read.
Definitely, worth your money and especially the time you spend to read it. Don’t give it a miss. The only thing I can mention as a drawback of this issue is, it is available in a regional language (Gujarati) and thus its reach is limited. This is definitely one of the best resources you can have to enjoy Diwali and welcome the New Year 🙂
Safari Gujarati Magazine Pdf Download 2018 Free
Do let us know your views about this article via comments below, we like to read you. And yes, do not forget to share this article with your friends who you think are interested in quality reading. Also subscribe to our newsletter, to get notified periodically about the articles we publish.
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