500 Internal Server Error Sharepoint Online

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Once in a while I encounter an error that doesn’t provide any helpful information. This is exactly what happened the other day when I opened my SharePoint 2013 site . I had previously provisioned my SharePoint Server 2013 farm using CloudShare’s pre-configured templates, that come ready with automated package installation, and snapshots. The lab set up was simple and fast and took me under 5 minutes to provision and under 1 minute to restore it from hibernation.

  • When IIS is used as a reverse proxy for Tableau Server, different error messages could occur while interacting with views. Same errors do not occur if Tableau Server is accessed directly. Example error message (occurs when interacting with views based on published data source): 500 Internal Server Error.
  • As SharePoint admins, we get sucked into IIS and SQL Server, it's just the nature of the beast. Save yourself therapy and hours crying yourself to sleep and just accept it. Today we’re going to look at a few different steps as we troubleshoot issues with issues when the SharePoint sites don’t come up, specifically in IIS.
  • When you make a request to SharePoint from a remote machine, the request tries to resolve the IP address that corresponds with the request. In the case of SharePoint, the IP address that is resolved points to a Windows Server running IIS. Since IIS can serve up multiple web sites, the host header is used to determine which web site is served.
  • When the user opens the document library, clicks on the file, opens the information panel, the preview begins to render but then quickly resolves to a 500 Internal Server Error. This happens for any user who does not have rights assigned at the site level and on all file types.

I am trying to see all the lists in my Site using sharepoint Client Object model, following is my code using (ClientOM.ClientContext ctx = new ClientOM.ClientContext(UrlTextBox.

Avoid Future Errors – Use Virtual IT Labs for SharePoint

I was happy and satisified with the ease! That quickly vanished when I came to open my site, only to find out that the website cannot display the page due to an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error! How annoying ?!

First thing I tried to do is open SharePoint Central Administration, to see if I get the same error message. Strangely, I was able to open Central Administration without any errors.


I opened IIS Manager to make sure SharePoint – 80 Application Pool was running, and I noticed that SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool application pool was stopped.


I started SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool application pool, refreshed my SharePoint site but that didn’t resolve the issue. I opened IIS manager and noticed that SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool was stopped again.

In that case, best thing to do was to open IIS events log and check what’s going on with SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool application pool.

500 Internal Server Error Sharepoint online, free

The IIS event log showed the warning ID 5021:

The identity of application pool SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool is invalid. The user name or password that is specified for the identity may be incorrect, or the user may not have batch logon rights. If the identity is not corrected, the application pool will be disabled when the application pool receives its first request. If batch logon rights are causing the problem, the identity in the IIS configuration store must be changed after rights have been granted before Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) can retry the logon. If the identity remains invalid after the first request for the application pool is processed, the application pool will be disabled. The data field contains the error number.

In order to resolve this problem I navigated back to IIS manager -> SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool application pool-> Advanced Settings.

Navigated to the Identity option.

Updated the user’s credentials and clicked on OK.

Avoid Future Errors – Use Virtual IT Labs for SharePoint

I performed iisreset.

And opened IIS manager again to check if it worked. SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool was now started and didn’t stop anymore.

My SharePoint 2013 site was working again!


CloudShare’s integrated suite of self-service solutions for creating, customizing and sharing virtual environments provides a solution for a range of business needs, including development and testing, sales and virtual training.

With CloudShare’s self-service virtual IT lab, you can build your SharePoint 2013 farm in minutes and conduct tests, freeze bugs and take snapshots of applications and databases in addition to running multiple tests in parallel on replicated infrastructures.

500 Internal Server Error Sharepoint Online

Check out our library of pre-configured VM templates complete with Sharepoint farms for your Sharepoint development and test needs.

Avoid Future Errors – Use Virtual IT Labs for SharePoint

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What Is 500 Internal Server Error

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This is a fun one I haven’t seen in a while so I figured I’d blog. Support issue today where user was trying to access listdata.svc

Ajax Internal Server Error 500

This worked at the web app URL root, the site collection root, but was giving a 500 error at a specific subsite. There was a subsite underneath the affected site and that one loaded up just fine as well..seemed to be isolated to one site.

This issue is caused by a couple of things (specifically if it’s isolated to a single site or list):

  1. Invalid characters in list (Either displayname of list or column names): https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/905231
  2. List view threshold/list lookup threshold
  3. Anonymous user tries to access ListData.svc
  4. svc does not work with Discussion Lists
  5. A few others:

It was none of these..pretty small site with nothing too crazy for naming or anything like that. Turns out the user created a list and gave it the same displayname as another list on the site (URL’s different..sharing the same displayname). This caused the entire site to throw a 500 error when accessing it with listdata.svc. Even when explicitly going to a list on the site that wasn’t affected. Once the user switched one of the lists to <listname> (old) everything started working.

500 Internal Server Error Sharepoint Online